Keep Growing (and Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down)
Trying to come to terms with taking the (what I believe to be) good advice I’ve been giving others and applying it to myself.
If your circumstances change, part of personal growth is adjusting to the person you are now and not limiting yourself to what you would have done in the past. We change our minds, money comes and goes, priorities change, and part of growing gracefully is changing your rules for living with it. Sometimes this is for small things that could make your life easier, but also it can be paradigm shifts where you’re not going to keep doing something that no longer works for you.
I’m just writing it down because people might try to keep you the same way they’re familiar with, regardless if it’s who you are anymore. Your life is not for others’ convenience. They’re likely not adjusting their behavior for yours. If someone wants you to be someone you’re not, consider whether that person really wants what’s best for you, and take that into consideration when listening (or not) to their advice.