More on Art vs. Artist
I don’t much care for the whole “and if you disagree with me, you support the artist’s abhorrent views or behavior” judgment. That attitude is powered by an implicit assumption that someone else must be consuming the art in the same way as you do, so they should behave in same way you do, which provokes a how-very-dare-you response in me.
Context: I don’t pay much attention to song lyrics. It’s the last thing I focus on, and sometimes not at all. Good lyrics can’t save a terrible composition, I can ignore (or not even notice) some bad wordsmithing if the music is killer. I’ve had folks point out to me that some lines in some popular songs from yesteryear are problematic, and almost every time I’m shocked because I wasn’t putting any weight on them. Assuming I knew and that I was somehow enjoying the problematic expression is a giant leap, because that assumes I listen to music the same way the critic does. I don’t. Never have.
Telling me how I should enjoy something, or that I’m wrong to enjoy something others don’t… well, I’m not going to subscribe to your newsletter. You do you, and leave me be.